Computer-Aided Design

Vol.2: Computer-Aided Design

playing With As Much CAD As I Could


Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and post a description with your design files on your class page

Softwares 💻

  1. Inkscape
  2. GIMP
  3. OpenSCAD
  4. Evolventdesign Gear Generator
  5. Fusion360


Eman the Logo:Inkscape

In this week We want to create some designs using 2D softwares. I wanted to try out Inkscape to make my face a logo inspired by Omar's funny Logo. But making it cooler and using some features I haven't touched before. "How should it look like?" I wondered. fortunately I live with a talented flatmate. She gave some tips on how to make the logo unquie which feature to highlight and so on. She made these cute drawing saying I can highlight my hair, glases or nose.

So I went and explored some tutorials about tools like the beizer tool I'm used it to cut the background and make trace my face then filling it with the fill tool. I added 2 earring that looked like galaxies with the spirals tool and added some gradient effect. I sprinkled a lot of stars on my head using the spray tool. VOILA

GIMP: The Thumbnail

I made a Thumbnail! I also made some moodboards but the thumbnail you see in the Beginning is all my doing. I first added the images as layers and scaled them, positioned them where I want them. Added the some filter effects mainly the supernova filter from "Light and Shadow" List

Spoiler! I'm a bookworm

3D: Modeling a possible orrery

Since my final idea is either a star tracking telescope or a smart orrery , sooner or later I'll face the ultimate challenge--Gears. So in this week I wanted to make some movement.

Tinkering with TinkerCAD

I tried Modeling in TinkerCAD before for 3D Printing and Laser Cutting when I was an instructor in a program that teaches girls maker tools. However I haven't acquinted myself with the codeblocks featuere and since I decided to try OpenSCAD I want to try out something similar first so I our instructor recommended this tutorial and VOILA


OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It's like the the programmer's dream come true since it uses line of code for creating 3D objects from scratch or using libraries. I relied on the documentation to understand the bascis. Then I used this Library to make some gears and here's the final output . .


Also I made explored some animation in OpensCAD


I wanted to try the lazy susan mechanism in this week. I got Inspired by this project in the make magazinge.

  1. First I imported the stepper motor from GrabCAD. Then, I made a holder for the motor
  2. Clarified some parameters
  3. ...
  4. I used this Gear generator to created my gears

  5. ...
  6. imported the DXF files in Fusion 360.

  7. ... ...
  8. Created my Assembly

  9. ...




I used motion study in Fusion 360 to control the gears.


Video & image Compression

  • Used File Converter to compress my photoes
  • Used handbrake to compress my video and check always that's web-optimized

  • Files

    1. OpensCAD Design
    2. Fusion step
    3. logo svg
    4. Generated gears DXF
    5. Thumbnail jpg